Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Wiki

Vampires are the undead species who fulfill the role of main antagonist in both the book and screen adaptation of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.


Vampires can easely blend in society by assuming human form. However, their true appearance is much more horrific. Their eyes turn completly black, the skin become unnaturally white with black veins visible beneath it, sharp rows of fangs and long claws grow instead of the teeth and nails.

Powers & Abilities

  • Strength - Vampires are stronger than humans. They can throw humans and other vampires through wood, toss animals as big and heavy as a full grown horse and kick down a bridge made of strong wood. They can even fling their own kind straight up through the air and hang on to a falling train. It is possible that their strength increases with time and age,
  • Speed - Vampires are faster than humans, both in speed, agility, and reflexes. They can also jump over high and far distances.
  • Invulnerability - Vampires are nearly impervious to any form of harm and cannot be killed by any conventional weapons, such as pistols using regular bullets.
  • Senses - Vampires have all the five senses humans have, only they are enhanced to a higher level.
  • Immortality - Being undead beings, Vampires can live forever and do not age or get sick from any form of toxins, diseases, poisons, or cancer.
  • Fangs - Vampires can extend a set of fangs from their mouths that allow them to feed on the blood of humans. In addition, if a vampire bites a human two other things will happen: either the human will die or become a vampire.
  • Sunlight Adaptation - Vampires have the ability too adapt to sunlight, though it merely causes illness in their skin instead of actual harm.
  • Invisibility - Vampires have the power too render themselves invisible.


In Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, vampires aren't killed by sunlight and they remain unaffected by holy objects or water. They can only be harmed and killed by silver. Also, a vampire is incapable of killing another vampire.

Deviations from vampire myth

Unlike traditional vampires, these vampires can stay alive in sunlight

Known Vampires

  • Adam: Powerful leader of the vampire order and Vadoma's brother. He has lived ever since Ancient Egypt and was a slave owner in the Confederate States. He was later killed by Abraham.
  • Vadoma: Adam's sister. She is a ruthless enforcer for the vampire order. She was later killed by Mary Todd Lincoln.
  • Henry Sturgess: Vampire created by Adam. He trains Abraham to kill off vampires for him. He now lives in modern times
  • Jack Barts: Vampire working for Adam. He is responsible for killing Abraham's mother. He was killed by Abraham